Universal Trade Service bv

UTS the source stands for creativity and originality. These two factors, combined with the know-how and the many good foreign relationships, are the foundation of the success of UTS the source. We offer you a wide variety of beautiful, functional and fun bags for every fair and target group. Our bags are innovative and most of them aren’t available anywhere else. We not only develop and produce new products ourselves, but also help our clients with the execution of their own ideas.

  • handle bags

contact us

Universal Trade Service bv
Flevolaan 58a
1382 JZ  Weesp (NL)
tel. +31 294 415188

send email to info@uts-weesp.nl »

go to website: www.uts-bags.nl »

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(We apply the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect your privacy.)

We welcome you to packing management, packaging catalogue for the European Union.